Journal & Blog
A Look into the History of Photo Restoration
The history of photo restoration can be traced back to the early days of photography in the 19th century. At the time, photographs were often printed on fragile, easily damaged materials such as glass plates or early forms of paper. As a result, many early photographs were lost or became severely damaged over time.
The Ethics of Photo Restoration: Altering History or Preserving Memories
The process of repairing, enhancing, and preserving old photographs that have been damaged or degraded over time is rarely questioned when used for personal use. However, when it comes to historical purposes there is often controversy. As the technology for photo restoration has advanced, so have the ethical questions surrounding it. The question of whether or not it's morally acceptable to alter a historical photograph has become a topic of debate among professionals and academics.
Why restore your old photos?
There are many different ways your old photos can be damaged in the physical form - or even worse, lost forever. When you digitize a photo, that it, it is safe forever. With the popularisation of cloud based photo storage its nearly impossible to lose a digital photo.
How to scan your memories, to keep them forever.
A step by step guide on how to scan your old family photos.